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Dear Visitor,

Thank you for visiting our website. My wife and I earn modest income to raise our children and keep a roof over our heads. In order to maximize our earnings, we try to save money by looking for deals or alternatives to lower our household expenses.

From our experiences, cutting back on cable TV bill and telephone bill yield significant savings. To share our knowledge with you, we created www.cutmybills.ca to show you how to save money on your cable TV bill and home phone bill. Most of our money-saving tips are simple and easy to set up. There are even tips that give you free home phone and free cable TV (or at least 1/2 of its cost). So please take your time to explore our website and hopefully you can cut your cord or cut your phone bill for good! Let’s get started below.

Note: If you find our website helpful, please support us by sharing it with your friends and family and click on the product links. Thanks!

Discover Ways to Cut Your Cable TV Bill

Cut Your TV Bill Now!

Discover Ways to Cut Your Home Phone Bill

Cut Your Phone Bill Now!

Photo credit: DL & apalapala/ Foter /CC BY-NC-SA

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